Matthew 16:18
“And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

Where is “the gates of hell” located in this present age and time?

The gates of hell is located at the entrance of every denomination whose G.O/Pope/Archbishop/Prophet/Pastor feeds fat on the ignorance of the congregation (who never understands James 2:17,20) ; where the congregation are being LIED to daily to keep looking up for good Job, Spouse, Wealth, Children, Breakthrough, etc, whilst their “slave masters” pimped up as “man/woman of God” keeps building schools, amassing properties and jets, being loved by the world as “the most influential and richest”, and riding the latest ride.

That verse should serve as an eye-opener to ALL believers; that Christ builds His church upon THE BELIEVER and not with bricks and cements upon every street -which houses ignorants-

STOP building colonies tagging it “church planting”! Just stop with the deceit already!

The CHURCH(BELIEVERS -a.k.a CALLED OUT ONES) of CHRIST has risen! “And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”!
